If you don’t earn much and you can barely pay your bills, the idea of saving money might seem laughable. When you only have ₦10,000 left at the end of the month, why even bother to try saving? Because everyone has to start somewhere, and your financial situation is likely to improve over time if you work at it. Saving money is worth the effort. It gives you peace of mind, it gives you options, and the more you save, the easier it becomes to accumulate additional savings, little drops of water they say makes, and ocean.
Here are some reasons why saving money is important:
Who hasn’t lain awake at 3:00 a.m. wondering how they were going to afford something they needed? If money is really tight, you might be wondering how you’re going to pay your rent the next year. If you’re a little further up the financial ladder, you might be worried about how many months you could pay the bills if you lost your job. Later in life, the money thoughts that keep you up at night might center around paying for your children to attend university or having enough money to retire.
As you accumulate savings, your financial worries should diminish, as long as you’re living within your means. If you already have next year’s taken care of by the first half of the current year, if you know you can get by without work for three to six months, if you have savings accounts for your children’s education and your own retirement that you’re regularly funding, you’ll sleep better at night. The reduced stress from having money saved up frees up your energy for more enjoyable thoughts and activities. Finding the best savings platform is essential to ensuring that the money you do put away earns you the highest interest. Peace of mind is what you get with Zylus Group International’s savings platform Property Development Savings Scheme (PDSS).
Property Development Savings Scheme is a real estate investment platform established by Zylus Group International and managed by Zylus Elite Thrift and Credit Co-operative Society.
PDSS is a savings scheme specially designed for low and medium-income earners who are willing to make returns through real estate investment and those that want to save towards owning properties, paying rent, attending university, buying a car, etc.
PDSS allows you to save a minimum of ₦20,000 (Twenty thousand naira) every month for one (1) year to co-join the development of building projects to resell to earn a 25% return on annual savings calculated on a pro-rata basis.
It is a savings scheme that allows every individual to save a minimum of twenty-thousand-naira (₦20,000) monthly for a period of one (1) year to co-join the development of building projects for sale and earn a 25% return on annual savings calculated on a pro-rata basis while benefiting from profit-sharing.
The more money you have saved, the more you control your own destiny. If your job, has you on the verge of a nervous breakdown, you can quit, even if you don’t have a new job lined up yet, and take time off to restore your sanity before you look for new employment. If you’re tired of living in an unsafe neighborhood, you can move to a safer area because you’ll have enough for a deposit on a better apartment or a down payment on a nicer home, or even buy your own home!
If you get sick and need expensive healthcare that your insurance doesn’t cover, you’ll have a way to pay for it even though you can’t work while you’re getting treatment. And knowing that you have options because of the money you’ve socked away can give you, even more, peace of mind.
No, money doesn’t solve every problem. If you are laid off, it might take as long as two years to find a new job. Some illnesses won’t go away no matter how many procedures you can afford, and random crime can happen even in a supposedly secure gated community. But with more money saved up in the Property Development Savings Scheme to deal with issues like these, you give yourself better odds of coming out on top.
Most of us put in hundreds of hours of work each year to earn most of our money. But when you have savings and stash your funds in the right places, your money starts to work for you. Over time, you’ll need to work less and less as your money works more and more, and eventually, you might be able to stop working altogether.
What does it mean to have your money working for you? When you’re first starting to save, you’ll want to put your money somewhere safe, where you can access it for unforeseen expenses. That means that for instance, if you save ₦20,000 monthly for one year with PDSS, you get a 25% Return on annual savings, which amounts to ₦60,000 in addition to your savings which is ₦240,0000, you get a total of ₦300,000. By doing this, you’ve made your money when you work for yourself instead of just being in the bank where you earn little interest.
If you save and invest regularly, you should be able to live off the income generated by your investments—the saved money that’s working for you. The earlier you start, the more time a small amount of money has to grow large through the miracle of compounding.
Saving money is incredibly important. It gives you peace of mind, expands your options for decisions that have a major effect on your quality of life, and eventually gives you the option to retire. Most people who are wealthy got there through a combination of their own hard work and smart savings and investment decisions.
You can become one of those people, too. With Property Development Savings Scheme, you also get the assurance that your money is safe, secured, and insured, also that it will be used for property development only. Upon subscribing to the platform, you get automated receipts for every payment made, log-in details to monitor your transactions on a portal, and a Savings Certificate.
Zylus Group International is a fast-growing, privately owned, and internationally recognized business capital organization with interests in Real Estate, Investment, Human Capital Development, Agriculture, Designs and Printing, Media, Transport and Logistics, Travels and Tours, and many more.
31, Theophilus, Oji Street, Lekki Phase 1
Zylus Group International is a fast-growing, privately owned, and internationally recognized business capital organization with interests in Real Estate, Investment, Human Capital Development, Agriculture, Designs and Printing, Media, Transport and Logistics, Travels and Tours, and many more.
31, Theophilus, Oji Street, Lekki Phase 1
Eledunmo Plaza, 35 Obafemi Awolowo Way,
Ikeja Lagos,
The Zylus place
4a Dr Omon Ebhomenye St, off Admiralty Way, Lekki Phase 1, Lekki 100001, Lagos
The Zylus place
4a Dr Omon Ebhomenye St, off Admiralty Way, Lekki Phase 1, Lekki 100001, Lagos
Per conubia nostra, per inceptos hime Mauris in erat justom etone. Per conub per inceptos hime naeos.
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Hendersonville, NC 28792
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